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Palestine-Israel Conflict

At least everyone has heard about the Israel-Palestine conflict that has been considered among the worst and most long-lasting ones in modern history. Since the 19th century, Israel and Palestine have been constantly warring over issues such as security, control over Jerusalem, and engaged in border conflicts among others (Fisher, 2014). This conflict involves Palestine’s Arabs and Israel’s Jews as well as their nationalism and Zionism. In the recent years, the conflict has been described as nonviolent, peaceful, and unarmed as the two states had adopted tactics of nonviolence as means to settle their differences. An infatuated concentration on the nonviolent resistances has led to the delegitimisation of other forms of resistance while limiting open discussions, and that limitation starts and fuels violence (Staton, 2014). In fact, the two states continue to experience significant problems and severe hatred between them. The aim of this paper is to discuss how nonviolent resistance can lead to violence and the ignorance of people regarding the issue.

The ideology of nonviolence has widely been adopted in various countries across the world as a presumed solution to conflicts. Israel and Palestine are not the exception as they have accepted the ideology to try to solve the lasting conflict between them. A simple act such as throwing a stone at another person is considered violent with the assumption that such an act tarnishes both countries’ reputation in the western world. People continue to hold this allegation, apparently not noticing the devastating outcomes. Under this thought, the oppressed and powerless have neither chance nor time to condemn their oppressors’ cruelty and malice (Fisher, 2014). In addition, they cannot tailor their resistance properly much to the relief of their oppressors. After a long period of observation, it has become apparent that nonviolent and unarmed revolutions bear little or no fruits towards democracy and change. The results have discouraged leaders who had suggested more violence as a solution to the persistent problems. They argue that the ideology of nonviolence is associated with various devastating consequences because its results are opposite of what it promises to deliver. For instance, the powerless and less defensive in both states continue to face oppression regardless of the ideology’s assurance to promote democracy, peace, and freedom.

Today, so many questions on the Israel-Palestine conflicts remain unanswered as many deaths and destructions continue in spite of the conflict being described as unarmed, peaceful, and nonviolent (O’Connor, 2005). Many people find themselves unable to understand the reasons for the conflict as many instances of assault continue to occur. For example, it has not been clear why Israel had invaded the Palestine territory of Gaza in 2014, causing vast damages and deaths of hundreds of Palestinians (Staton, 2014). During the same period, the Palestinian Hamas militia fired rockets at the Israel’s civilian neighbourhoods, causing massive destructions and deaths. In July 2014, a fresh round of conflicts erupted after three bodies of three teenagers had been found lifeless after reportedly being kidnapped by the Hamas (Staton, 2014). There have also been many street battles between the Palestine youths and the Israel military. News has been trending of Israel and Palestine executing massive airstrikes against each other. All these facts show that nonviolent organizations are fruitless, and they only lead to more violence.

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In conclusion, the paper has reviewed how nonviolent revolutions can lead to violence associated with massive deaths and destructions. For a long time now, the ideology of nonviolence has been adopted in Israel and Palestine as a solution to the long-lasting conflict. Opposite of the peace it is expected to deliver, nonviolent revolutions are associated with the continued oppression of the powerless. In addition, Israel and Palestine continue to attack each other over such issues as freedom of movement, identification, border, and control over Jerusalem among others. These instances are an accurate indication that nonviolent revolutions can lead to violence.

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