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Role models are people who show passion for their work and have the capacity to challenge others. They are usually famous for doing something great, what makes other people admire them. Role models have a clear sense of what is vital, so that they put more effort to creating things that alleviate human suffering. Considering this, I chose Nelson Mandela, also known as Madiba, as my role model. He distinguished himself in such a way that many people try to emulate him. As a role model, he was selfless, determined, brave, fair and focused, and had a kind heart.

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Nelson Mandela was born in a village called Mvezo in the year 1918 (Mandela 27). After being the South African president, he becomes a symbol of strength amongst African leaders. He inspired many religious, academic, and political leaders with his strong attitude and achievements against the doctrines of apartheid. He changed lives of many Africans through his work, speeches, and financial support when he was the president of South Africa. As a supreme leader in a third world country, he symbolized courage and bravery while ensuring his nation was recognized all over the world. Being young, he developed values from his family and community and that further strengthened his determination to salvage the oppressed Africans. Mandela always followed principles of his community and listened to every individual before taking a decision.

Mandela developed many of the traits of a natural leader. Mandela was a determined leader, and for this reason he went to Healdtown School, after which he entered Fort Hare University. It is where he realized the importance of education that gave him a chance to discover the life and culture of his people. Mandela was determined in that he lived a long life full of challenges and had an educational thirst, which was evident when he continued schooling while being in prison at Robben Island. Mandela portrayed courage during his life by challenging his political prisoners to continue with schooling and this reduced literacy rate among prisoners and raised awareness of their rights (Stols 36). Mandela started to become a role model already when he was a young man and become a member of ANC Youth League. Mandela organized rallies while giving emotional speeches, after which he was praised.

Mandela, as my role model, had self-discipline and this is an essential quality for those who aspire to be leaders. Mandela was determined in his endeavors and this was can be seen when he joined athletics and boxing club, which was assumed to be a white man thing. As a brave man with determination, he survived on Robben Island, living in a tiny cell.


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Mandela, as a role model, had a great level of self-control and this was a major leadership quality, which made him who he really was, He knew exactly what he wanted in life while managing his team effectively. Mandela was a brave leader, and he became the leader of the defiance campaign without fear, but with considerable personal risk. As a role model, Mandela was respectful; he respected the will of humanity, and hence, he was against apartheid and any other human discrimination.

Mandela had the ability to delegate a lot of ideas to the society, challenging the entire leaders of the world. He was a serious and straightforward man who was not afraid to admit a defeat. Mandela was also a selfless leader who always believed in people, empowering others. It can be clearly seen when he became the president of South Africa for one term. He had been in jail for over twenty seven years, but he never stuck to power like most African leaders. Furthermore, Mandela was concerned about his nation as seen when he was arrested for treason. Mandela, as an inspiring leader, raised concern for people who protected him in prison and demanded to say goodbye to them when he was leaving. He has been a role model to many and he always lived by his values and believed in equality for all. Mandela was a confident leader who struggled for his country liberation. He was always ready to sacrifice his own needs for the good of the people of South Africa. This responsibility came to Mandela when he was still young, but he eventually lived by it.

As a man of integrity, Mandela believed in the notion of justice for all and he illustrated it through his willingness to assist his prison warders. As a role model, he incorporated many values, which included honesty and fairness to all. Mandela was an optimist in life. He never allowed himself to believe that he would not achieve his dreams of a fully democratic nation and transferred his personal traits to politics (Mandela and Steve 76).

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In conclusion, though he was personally offended, Mandela was a consistent leader, and this is why I admire him as my role model. Even after death, his legacy remains a driving force to many. Indeed, he was an inspiring leader who shared visions through his speeches. Leaders and members of ANC benefited a lot from his wisdom through speeches. Nelson Mandela is a role model not only for an individual, but for all of us. He was a visionary leader, and above all, he was an extraordinary man who overcame great humiliations and suffering while emerging as a renowned politician and activist. He always believed in forgiving and building the future. Many will miss him though his leadership traits will remain in our hearts and minds.

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