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Personality mindset is a subject of psychology that analyzes personality and its variation amid people. It investigates psychological comparisons between individuals and the human nature, psychological differences among people, structure of a clear image of the person, and the main psychological variances. Personality represents the outline of views, emotional state, social variations, and behaviors that are shown over the time, and that influence people’s expectations, self-insights, values, and manners. It also foretells human responses to other individuals, problems, and strain. The review of a character has an extensive and diverged antiquity in attitude with a lot of theoretical practices. The current paper will review three personality theories covered so far, compare and contrast their abnormal and normal development description and explain the theory that fits my theory of development.

Traits Theory

Personality traits refer to persistent patterns of seeing, linking to, and thinking regarding the nature and oneself that are shown in a varied range of communal and personal settings. Theorists presume that personal qualities are rather stable than unstable, they differ among individuals, and they also produce an influence on the conduct of the person. Traits are always used to describe the individual as a whole. The traits do not normally change. Still, they are bipolar; they differ along a range between one extreme and another. Trait model is also the non-hominid beginning of the character study. The concept states that each person is born with certain traits, and these traits permanently determine one’s personality (Ryckman 2007). Many individuals take exemption for this model. Psychologists believe that it has an effect on a person’s overall character. An example of the traits theory is friendly person versus unfriendly. Trait patterns have been critiqued as being vivid and providing little account of the underlying instigates of personality. Another possible weakness of traits theories is that they may make some individuals accept simplified classification or inferior, offer guidance based on an insincere study of a character. Finally, trait patterns often underrate the influence of certain situations on the individual’s behavior.

Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychoanalytic concept approaches character from a standpoint that is significantly different from the trait model. Trait philosophers try to discover the stable characteristics of the personality by studying groups of individuals. Most of the information they gathered is obtained from self-accounts and what the person says about himself/herself. On the contrary, psychoanalytic model is based on the in-depth analysis of the personality of an individual. Since a motivation is thought to be insensible, self-accounts are not considered to be precise. Moreover, the individual’s expressions are overt deeds interpreted as concealed representations of basic unconscious practices. Freud developed this theory, learning the balance amid personalities paying attention to the fun, social and self-responsibility. He believed that a certain part of the person’s brain can overrule other body parts without the individual being aware of that. The model of persona study was the basis for psychoanalysis and realization of one’s true motives.

Social Learning Theory

Learning models attempt to enlarge psychoanalytic concepts in a way that can be learned logically. It includes motivation response that helps individuals to develop conducts. The theory enables the greater control over altering the unwanted conduct, and developing good behavior in juveniles rather than modifying the ills of their character. It can be linked with Skinner’s model of operant training. According to his theory, one’s personality is totally studied and analyzed. It hovers in the face of trait model and Freud’s insensible urge model. Bandura’s social studying theory integrates behavior, one’s response to the nature around him/her, and one’s inner trust in himself/herself and his/her abilities. This personality model permits for rectification in both performance and base feeling.

The social studying method to motivation centers on the arrays of conduct the individual study in handling the environment. Within the standpoint, individual differences in behavior result from disparities in the circumstances of studying that the individuals face in the process of growing up. Some behavioral patterns are studied through the expressed experience; people act in a certain way, and depending on their behavior they are remunerated or punished. Nonetheless, responses can also be achieved deprived of direct reinforcement. Since individuals can make use of complicated symbolic practices to code and keep the observations in their memory, they can learn by perceiving the deeds of other individuals, and by remarking the results of those deeds. Therefore, for the theorists of the social learning theory, the experience is not essential for learning, though, it may aid learning by centering attention. Human learning is based more on observation of the behavior of other people. Reinforcement is not essential for studying though it is significant to the execution of learned behavior (Engler 2008).

The theory that suits my theory of development the most is the social learning theory. It is so due to the fact that it offers a chance to study new things and make alteration where required. The concept helps an individual to develop good behavior pattern through learning good behavior patterns from other people, and to abandon the ill motives of the behavior that the person previously showed. The theory ensures that all unwanted behavior, expressed by an individual is eliminated and replaced with good behavior pattern that can be studied. This character model enables to achieve the rectification in both performance and main feeling.


To sum up, the three abovementioned theories are highly important in psychology personality. The study of all existing concepts of the personality plays an important role in the life of people. Psychologists preserve different opinions about the definition of a character. The theories of a character offer analysts a jumping off point to assist an individual to comprehend himself/herself better, as well as to alter or fix any apparent problem one may have on personality or deeds. Therefore, it is good to study all these theories since they offer a good perspective on how one should perceive things, improve one’s personality, and make changes in diverse stands where one needs.

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