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Job at Starbucks is based on the potential and professional abilities of those who apply for this occupation. Requirements of the company are devised in order to ensure that appropriate people will be engaged. In my opinion, a Starbucks’ barista is a leading person in the company which provides legendary customer service that is centered on clean and comfortable environment, promoting beverages and products, and prompt response to clients’ requests. To become a barista, one should be responsible for acting in accordance with guidelines and principles (“Starbucks: Barista Job Description,” 2014).


There are certain rules and responsibilities which must be followed by a barista. This person is a face of the company and is required to act with honesty, decency, and knowledge of the culture, values and missions of Starbucks. Barista must be calm when extraordinary events happen and show positive example for other staff members. One’s ability to provide the needed information to the client, wait for his or her decision, and provide high-level service is characterized as the legendary Starbucks service (“Starbucks: Barista Job Description,” 2014).

The requirements for the barista are not limited by those related to client service. One also must be able to provide information to the managers or staff in order to make it possible for team to respond when it is necessary. Starbucks operating policies and procedures, including cash handling and security, are to ensure the safety of all partners during each shift. Maintaining a clean and organized work space for the partners can help in appropriate addressing of everyday issues and finding the needed resources (“Starbucks: Barista Job Description,” 2014)

Experienced barista is the one who can help a newcomer at workplace in terms of learning, reinforcing successful performance, showing respect, and providing coaching as required. He or she enhances positive team mood, recognizes signals or changes in the partner’s morale and efficiency and communicates them to the store manager. Overall, barista works on the grounds that client-company relationships are the main for Starbucks. Connection with the customer, detection, and responding to one’s needs ensures providing successful service as primary duty of such professional (“Starbucks: Barista Job Description,” 2014).

Departmentalization that considers location is mostly known as parallel departmentalization. It has got such name because the hierarchy in the company is maintained by managers who have the same objectives and responsibilities within different parts of the country. All the territorial differences are to be smooth with the help of managers and their efforts to achieve the same goal (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011).

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The process of departmentalization is the one where people work in different departments and the set of the tasks are distributed altogether (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Regional departmentalization is appropriate for Starbucks as it is a big company and must use this approach in order to consider the needs of residents living in different areas and even countries (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011).Moreover, this method is favorable for the company since it can offer incorporation of different ideas into the business performance inherent to every region and culture. Offering food must not be changed as it would be hard for staff to get used to their new list of beverages and products.

The most relevant aim of the leadership is getting superior results from the same staff. Usually, leadership is to be present at all levels of the company because organization cannot work chaotically. Additionally, the notion of leadership can be interpreted differently by various people and described as an ability to expose the vision, passion, intense, or enthusiasm. However, extraordinary situation requires extraordinary decision which is to be performed at all levels. When financial problems try to make the company less successful, leadership is to centralize its power in order to make the right decision which will be performed in different regions. There must be certain strategy of overcoming the problems. Different parts of the company are not to follow their own methods as far as it is a united organization. Anyway, leaders must consider the suggestions from different managers and employees. Creating particular structure will ensure the success of the company and reuniting around common goal. Big decisions are to be made by those experienced managers which would consider all organizational features. The situation then will slowly come to the successful outcome and ensure the smooth solving of financial issues (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011).


Divisional structure fits this company best as it is based on a set of autonomous parts of one company while performance of each of them is coordinated by the central headquarters. The divisional structure is used in post industrialized world. There is a great amount of companies of such type. They include General Electric Company, AT&T, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, International Business Machines, the Walt Disney Company, General Motors, etc. Such structural form would help serving market and operational management, taking right decisions, meeting the needs of the market. Nevertheless, among the many shortcomings of the divisional structure, there is the duplication of activities and potential for counterproductive inter-competition in the market for those customers who are not only ineffective, but may limit opportunities for cooperation in various market segments and spend resources. This circumstance was a significant factor for many companies led to reorganization in bankruptcy and the federal government aid (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011).

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