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Nowadays human activities are causing more and more problems for peaceful existence of other species. People think that their lives are more important than anything on Earth. However, they often do not understand that there is no need to fight against other species. On the contrary, humans’ very survival depends on a multiplicity of species ranging from simple bacteria to complex mammals (“Species extinction,” n.d.).

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The increase of commercial fishing scope threatens to empty the ocean within upcoming decades. That is one of the major reasons of why the penguin colonies are collapsing. The flightless birds cannot stand the effects of global warming, environmental pollution and overfishing. All these factors damage their ocean habitat. Besides, rising temperatures of water reduce the ability of plankton to reproduce. Therefore, the entire oceanic ecosystem is being undermined.

It is said that humans are causing changes even faster than the natural reasons that pushed back the glacial period. Global temperatures are rising faster than it was before, and this is because of the 35 percent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by the Industrial Revolution. Human population is growing very fast, and it puts more pressure on existing resources. The researchers claim that it is unavoidable that the population will have reached 9 billion by 2050. Moreover, most of the people do not even realize the amount of harm that they do to the planet. The technologies will keep developing, and plants will keep arising all over the world because people are just not able to stop and enjoy what they already have. They always need to consume more and more resources until they run out of them and have nothing. It is impossible to estimate how many species are in danger of extinction nowadays. However, the extinction of one species potentially leads to the extinction of those which are bound to it in a complex ecological web.

The amphibians are the group with the highest rate of endangerment. Frogs, toads and salamanders disappear because of water and air pollution, habitat loss, climate change and other factors. Furthermore, in response to human activities which cause the profound changes, the populations of birds are declining all over the world. Additionally, the number of disappearing species is also rising because of the capture by collectors.

As it was already mentioned, the aquatic ecosystems are at the biggest risk of extinction today. That happens because of the increasing demand for water resources, damming of rivers, dumping and accumulation of pollutants and invasive species (Jelks et al., 2008).

The most disastrous fact in the present extinction crisis is the disappearance of mammals; they are human’s closest relatives. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of the world’s primate species are in danger of extinction. This also concerns marine mammals – whales, dolphins and porpoises that are on the edge of disappearance. It is caused by large and small catastrophes all over the ocean when the oil is spilled into the water as a result of reckless negligence of careless people. It is undeniable that major oil companies are responsible for such mistakes, but no money can restore the vast losses of environment.

Furthermore, there is a great impact of plants on our lives. Unfortunately, scientists say that global warming is causing quick and dramatic changes in the range and distribution of plants around the world. With plants making up the base of the food chain and the backbone of ecosystems, that is very bad news for all species (Tilman, May, Lehman, & Nowak, 1994). It will be very hard for all living creatures to survive without plants.


To sum up, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the species extinction problem. Everyone should understand that if they do not take care of the planet now, it will be harder to fix it in the future. Although people cannot prevent some catastrophes from happening, they can at least treat nature with more respect. It will secure a better future for the next generations; they will get an opportunity to live their lives like people do now and maybe later they will find a way to save the nature from devastation.

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