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Accordig to the, motivation is defined as internal and external aspects that inspire an aspiration and drive someone so as to be engrossed and dedicated to a job. It considers the inspiration to a responsibility or to struggle for the achievement of an objective. Business organizations have a central priority of their people who assist in maintaining the mission and the vision of the firm in addition to keeping the business rolling. This essay provides a design of an organization motivation plan, pinpoints two approaches that inspire motivation to workers, and recommends three methods to inspire the minimum wage employee. In addition, this essay considers significance of the individual work, and lastly, re-creates and completes design of individual work to a teamwork chart.

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As the owner of small manufacturing company, excellent job contentment rates, little turnover levels, high production, and high-quality work can be perceived as tantamount to motivating workers and the business, in general. A good and workable motivation plan should comprise the foundation of job design, job development, recompenses and alternative work plans. Applying and finding a suitable job design is a practice, in which bosses plan definite job assignment and work preparations that need to be realized. Job development encourages the building of high-value jobs that include planning and assessing obligations even though job development builds a valued feeling that empowers workers. Moreover, a motivation plan builds aspects of responsibility, success, respect, and individual progress. When acknowledging worker’s efforts and success, recompenses should be given in the form of rewards to show gratitude and a means of reinvesting into workers. Thus, motivation increases the readiness of employees to work and increases efficiency and value of the company.


Motivation forms one of the essential factors influencing organizational production and economic stability. As a result, designing a motivational plan that boosts job satisfaction, low turnover, high productivity, and high-quality of work is time consuming and necessitates the use of correct approaches of implementation by the management board. The basic aspects of inspiring motivation amongst the organizational employees include understanding, evaluating, and analyzing the features of each board member’s input to the work design. In addition, the drive to the basic aspects boosts and perfects team layout of the organization. As the owner of small manufacturing firm comprising of fifty employees, the motivational plan will be designed to incorporate and work with the departments listed below. These are sales department, assembly department, department of technology, and administration department.

Firstly, the department of sales will experience new determinations in teamwork formation and team structure overseen by the administration department. According to Schermerhorn (2012), team building refers to a cooperative means of collecting and analyzing data to develop teamwork. Most scientific researchers in different fields of study and topic about motivation and teamwork say that achieving effectiveness necessitates a manager’s need to comprehend the motivation to employees’ working morale within the perspective of the tasks they execute. Of all the tasks a manager executes, motivating of workers is arguably the most challenging. On the other hand, the administration department forms the main player to motivating workers within all departments of the organization. In response, the departmental heads will be recompensed and rewarded as an individual inspiring motivation.

Satisfactory job selection and employment is centered on the attitude, interest, talent and abilities by the executive in management. The delivery of training facilities to expand workers’ knowledge and performance in the institution guarantees job satisfaction, low turn-over, and high productivity within the organization. In the event the occupational training is provided for personnel, it assists them to advance their skills on the job assigned, which also results to the rise in the organizational production. Workers feel motivated whenever the organization offers them free training so as to boost their job performance. The assembly department procures the planned motivational plan that results to job satisfaction. Consequently, job satisfaction decreases the turnover rate among the workers within this department, which will finally yield the results of an improved rate of productivity and quality of production in the organization.

Additionally, the technology department is organized to design development in communication system as motivation. The department offers a direct effect of the necessities in computer hardware and software developments prepared by the administrative department of the company. Well considered and projected motivational plan put into place serves directly to refining the performance of employees and will influence all four features of motivational design in the organizational operations.

Organizational managers must employ emotions, outlooks, values, and characters of employees to inspire their team performance and formation of unified and progressive management team. According to Makowka (2007), implementation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation methods has the prospective to benefit the workers and total productivity of the organization. Specifically, intrinsic motivation entails delighting in an activity of working towards an external benefit. Stimulation that drives an individual to adopt or change behavior for his or her internal satisfaction or fulfillment can boost production. The intrinsic motivation is self-functional, and emanates from direct connection between a personality and a circumstance, and is a very significant element in the design of a knowledge-based or training course. Additionally, it involves indulging in an activity since it is personally worthwhile, executing an activity for its sake instead of for the need of some external returns. Internalization and integration are the practices, in which extrinsically inspired behaviors turn out to be more self-resolute. Therefore, the benefit of intrinsic rewards includes giving of personal satisfaction to individuals through giving feedback, respect, trust, association, and empowerment.

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On the other hand, extrinsic motivation gives the drive to the action that emanates from outside forces rather than from someone’s personal feelings. It also acts as a concept that applies whenever an activity is accomplished so as to attain some separable result. Extrinsic motivation takes place when there is a drive to achieve a behavior or involve in an activity for earning a reward or avoid chastisement (Schermerhorn, 2012).

The extrinsic motivation played a central role in historic times when job was normally more routine and bureaucratic, and when observing of rules and guidelines formed part of the necessities of success. In the company, job was giving the workers little intrinsic motivations so that extrinsic motivations were frequently the only motivational tools accessible to companies. Extrinsic benefits form the basic and concrete recompenses that workers receive from the organization, and these include bonuses, salary raises, gifts, promotion, and other sorts of tangible benefits.

In a few words, it is possible to succeed as a small manufacturing company by implementing the planned two methods of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational models. As a result, it will be the start to advancing the organization’s performance, productivity and quality of work amongst all four departments within the organization.

In order to motivate the minimum wage service workers, a motivation theory is necessary. It is imperative to respond to family-friendly procedures that include flexible work measures like flextime, job-sharing, and production bonuses. Firstly, flextime policy gives workers some latitude in selecting, which eight hours a day or which forty hours a week to work conveniently. Secondly, job-sharing policy creates part-time jobs as two workers share responsibilities of a single position. These are selections to give to workers that are single parents or to households, where one parent is struggling to acquire a better education and attending school in his or her free time away from the place of work.

Production bonus systems allow the assembly department workers to get a basic wage or salary plus a bonus that comprises an imbursement for each unit generated. For instance, a worker may earn 10.40 dollars or more an hour plus 2.90 dollars for each unit produced on a production bonus system platform in case the company’s workers fail to appear to be motivated by measures in a production bonus system with huge bonus to be worth the additional work. Studies reveal that workers who work faster get more money under such a production system, although the pay system does not promote reliable high-quality of work. In the end, this approach option for testing on a small group of employees in the assembly department can be implemented. In addition, the decision made in case the result in quantity and quality of productions is worth a full department motivation option.

The application in job rotation entails transferring workers from job to job to offer them more variation that can motivate the company’s employees. For instance, the workers in a production department may alternate while operating all the machineries in the company. In addition, job rotation necessitates that workers have comparatively broad skills. Thus, the manager or organization must give workers in the assembly department cross-training, or exercise in the skills necessary to carry out more than one job. The chance to learn new skills through cross-training can inspire workers, as stated previously in the proposed motivational design for the assembly department plans.

Secondly, the use of motivation action can be applied in job development as a determination to make a job more exciting to the workers by addition of extra responsibilities to their specific job qualifications. Hence, a machine operator might be accountable not only for manning a specific machine but also for carrying out maintenance on the machine and examining the quality of the parts the machine generates.

Thirdly, another proposed way of motivating the assembly department of workers is to create a group motivation plan so as to get workers and their managers to work together as groups. A monetary motivation to get people to work in the group motivation plan pays a bonus when the group altogether surpasses some goals. The approach encourages the use of teamwork by incorporating workers in different departments. The company hopes to see that this motivational program will yield feedback and high quality of work along with job satisfaction.

In today’s organizational context, motivation and satisfaction of an individual worker can boost productivity. Employee motivation can offer distinct challenges on the front line of the organization’s processes. Inspiring lower-level personnel necessitates additional care on the part of managers and business proprietors, who must consider an external look at the traditional resolutions of higher earnings. In addition, it includes comprehensive benefits to improve workers performance and increase their retention rates.

The present-day workers are more career mindful than before and challenging more in terms of individual growth and development. Companies that fail to allow workers to meet their individual needs will be forfeiting esteemed workers. In today’s competitive setting, it is vital that all companies create a work environment that nurtures growth and development. As a result, it is ostensible this can be realized by applying a Career Development Program in the organization. Thus, this plan will promote organizational loyalty among workers, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction, lower employee turnover, and minimal chances of employee complaints.

Teamwork Chart

Talks Listens and gives opinions
Me oriented Teamwork oriented
Department focused Team focused
Competitive Helpful
Logical Best idea/Complaint
Written messages Verbal Communication
Image Team Image and Concentration
Secrecy Open
Short-term sighted Patient and long-term sighted
Immediate results Goal Specifics
Critical Accommodating
Tenure Fair-mindedness


In conclusion, organizations globally consist of many vital elements, comprising management teams, workers, and operational structures. As an approach to better organizational development, the concern of teamwork within companies rises in importance. Fundamentally, teamwork can be applied to company restructuring while majorly concentrating on decentralizing accountability to the workers in a supportive decision-based environment. Thus, the approaches discussed will be applicable to the Small Manufacturing Company’s WooWoo widget, commodity sales, and overall productivity.

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